How much is a used table saw worth?

how much is a used table saw worth

Used table saws are often inexpensive and offer great value for your money. They’re also easy to find because they have been out of production for years, so many people are looking to buy them. How much is a used table saw worth? Even if you don’t need a new one now, it pays to know what used ones cost before buying one new or from someone else. One way we can use this information is by comparing prices on eBay with other sites like Craigslist or classified ads in the paper. You might be surprised how much cheaper some sellers want for their old tools! Whatever option you choose, remember that all these used units come without a warranty and may not last as long as a new one.

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The average prices of a used table saw

During our research, we found that most used table saws sold for more than $50 and less than $150. Most of the models fall between 3 and 10 amps. The older models in this price range are typically lighter and have more features, but they may not be as sturdy or powerful as a newer model if you can even find one. We also found that portable models are easier to move but are less powerful and may have trouble with thicker materials.

The Powermatic and Delta saws in this price range are likely to have more power and heavier duty parts than the rest. When it comes to horsepower, we found that the difference between one and two isn’t as important as the thickness of the material or the type of cut you need.

Best advice on buying a used table saw

When buying, keep in mind that the motor is a major factor in how well your saw performs. A good price/performance ratio is always going to be a key consideration, but make sure the saw is powerful enough for the jobs you have planned. You may also need to consider the height of the saw and what size table surface will work best for you.

If you’re on a tight budget, this might be one category where it makes sense to buy used if the price is right. You can often buy a model that has more features and power than you need for about the same as buying just a bare-bones new model.

It’s also important to remember that most table saws come with a miter gauge and an insert to hold the workpiece, but you may need to buy other accessories like a push stick. If you can afford it, we recommend buying one with a stand included. We found that buying a saw without one in this price range is a waste of money since you’ll likely have to buy one later.

How to inspect a used table saw?

How to inspect a used table saw

When buying a used table saw, it’s important to be thorough. Don’t forget that there are typically lots of hidden fees in addition to the price of your saws such as taxes and shipping charges. You may also need to pay for an inspection or repairs before you can use it.

Make sure you check the motor by turning on the power switch. And looking at the armature speed under load (you will want at least 3,000 rpm). The blade should also spin freely with no stuck parts or wiggling. Be aware that some units have slowdowns for safety purposes, so compare each unit’s operation in person if possible.

If the seller doesn’t have a power switch, make sure the motor runs when plugged in. Also, look under the table for a raised bit. To see if it spins freely and does not clog up with dust or debris.

If you decide to buy a used table saw. Make sure it’s tested by someone qualified before handing over your money! It may be a good idea to get an inspection from a professional tool repair shop. Before you take it home since some sellers don’t offer refunds once you open the box. If the price is right and there are no strange noises or smells. Chances are it will work fine as long as you use it properly.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions about what types of projects each one was used for? How often they were cleaned and maintained? You also want to find out how long the seller has had it? And if any parts were replaced recently, including bearings and brake pads in the motor?

Even after reading our full guide on how much is a used table saw worth? It can still be difficult to discern fact from fiction when prices are similar between units. Ask the seller if he will meet you on-site or let you try it out before you buy. Make sure you bring along a helper and be wary of any seller. Who may become hesitant when you ask questions.

What should you remember as a seller?

Even if you’re selling your own table saw, you should keep these above factors in mind. Be sure to mention anything about the unit that could be important for a buyer. Such as repairs or parts replacements.

Not all used table saws are under warranty. So make sure you consult with your dealer prior to purchase and avoid any sales pitches about replacements. Lastly, don’t forget to indicate when it was last serviced in order to attract buyers who will keep it maintained.

Places where you can buy used table saws.

Places, where you can buy used table saws, are many. But some of the most popular ones are classified ads, eBay, and Craigslist. Those are the three most popular. And we found that prices on eBay tend to be a little higher than on Craigslist. However, Craigslist has no buyers protection, which means you could get scammed if the saw doesn’t work properly. Classified ads in the local newspaper are also a good place to find used table saws.


If you are on a tight budget then buying a used table saw is an option, but you should be aware that it may not work properly. There are many people that sell used table saws online, but you should be careful since it is hard to tell if there are any problems with them.
If you are talking about a decades-old table saw, then there is no way to know if it will work properly. You need to have some experience with a table saw for them to let you know if it will work.


To conclude, the best way for you to buy a used table saw is to ask the seller questions about the saw directly. If there are any parts that have been replaced recently? Or if it has been serviced? Then ask those questions first. In order to avoid problems later on down the road. How much is a used table saw worth? The price of used table saws can vary between different units. So make sure you shop around and compare the prices to find out if it is a good deal or not.

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