Compound vs Recurve Bow for Beginners

Compound Vs Recurve Bow For Beginners
Indoor facility for practicing archery

When it comes to bows, there are two main types: compound and recurve. Both have their benefits and drawbacks. So before you buy one or the other, it’s a good idea to figure out which is best for you. Here we will try to get a complete overview of Compound vs Recurve bow for beginners.

A compound bow has pulleys and cables that help the archer pull back on the string without having to use as much physical force. This makes them easier for beginning shooters than traditional recurves. Because they can get away with using less strength in order to shoot an arrow successfully. However, if you’re looking for a more accurate shot or want your kids shooting arrows with just their arms. Then going with a recurve might be your best bet.

Table of Contents

Recurve Bows vs Compound Bows

Compound Bows vs Recurve Bows
Archery practicing on Outdoor

A compound bow has a complicated and intricate mechanism. That gives it the ability to recork automatically, thus providing temporary energy storage. On the other hand, a recurve bow doesn’t have such “special” mechanisms for additional power generation; however, recurves are generally lighter and therefore easier to carry than compounds. As well as being more accurate and requiring less strength in order to shoot with them. 

Also, unlike compound bows, which require accessories such as sights or stabilizers in order to be shot accurately and properly; recurves are very easy to use by themselves (though they can be fitted with fixations if so desired). Furthermore, when compared with compounds (or let’s say metal rods), recurves are much more silent when shot (so as to not scare prey), and do not vibrate as much after being shot.

On the other hand, compound bows can be used by anyone regardless of their age or physical fitness condition; that is because compounds have a system that automatically supplies additional power from the stored up energy whenever necessary. Furthermore, while it may take some time for recurve shooters to become “proficient” enough to hit targets at long distances, with a compound bow. This isn’t such a big issue – perhaps because compounds come with sights and stabilizers out of the box.

The Benefits of Each Type of Bow

Benefits of the compound bow:

  • longer range than recurve
  • can be used by anyone regardless of age or physical fitness
  • requires less strength to shoot with compared to a recurve (even without accessory fixations, which are not required for compounds)
  • is much more accurate than a recurve
  • has an increased velocity compared to a recurve (because of the “energy storage” mechanism that makes it run automatically)

Benefits of recurve bow:

  • lighter and easier to carry around than a compound, which can be bulky and heavy
  • more accurate than a compound (doesn’t require accessories such as sights)
  • requires less strength to shoot with compared to a compound when using accessories for fixations. This is especially true in the case of long-distance shots
  • silent (compared with compounds, which produce vibrations after being shot).

The Drawbacks of Each Type of Bow

Drawbacks of compound bows:

  • requires accessories such as sights and stabilizers in order for it to be accurate, which can be pricey
  • is less silent when shot (compared with a recurve)
  • doesn’t require much strength to be shot with but still requires more than a recurve; this is due in part to the fact that, unlike recurves, compounds need additional fixations (which can sometimes get in the way)

Drawbacks of recurve bows:

  • has a longer learning curve when compared with a compound bow. Because it doesn’t come with sights, it takes longer to get used to.
  • requires a lot of strength to be shot with; this is especially true when using accessories for fixations, as long-distance shots can be quite challenging.

Which One is the Best & Why?

Compound vs recurve bow for beginners, which One is the Best & Why
Compound Bows

Compound vs recurve bow for beginners who are just starting out in archery typically select compound bows because of their ease of use and accuracy. Recurve bows are a bit more difficult to master, requiring manual adjustment for proper string placement on the bow. For beginner archers, this can be quite challenging. Especially since they lack experience in shooting any type of bow or longbow. Recurve bows are also harder to maintain as they do not have sights for improving accuracy.

Most experienced archers prefer compound bows that offer a precise grip, sight options that create accurate shots. And other accessories that improve consistency and performance making them ideal for hunting in the wild. Beginners will find it easier to use these devices than curves. Simply because they provide assistance in adjusting and setting up the bow correctly.

While both bows require strength to provide maximum performance. Individuals who are just starting out in archery typically choose compound bows. Because they allow for greater accuracy compared to recurve ones. These devices also come equipped with sights that improve aim and other accessories. That simplifies the process of learning how to shoot an arrow properly. Beginners will find it easier to use these types of bows than curves. Because they offer assistance in fine-tuning and setting up the equipment correctly.

Archery is a sport where newbies start out using recurve bows before advancing towards more complex ones such as compounds. Individuals should remember that recurves are not as difficult or complicated as compounds, nor do they have similar accessories. The best decision any beginner can make is to purchase a basic recurve bow for starters. And then decide whether or not they want to invest in a compound device at some point.

Tips to Improve your Shooting Skills with Both Types of Bows

Getting the most out of both compound bows and recurve bows could take some time. But it will be well worth it in the long run. With patience and proper guidance, you can learn to shoot quickly with either type of bow. Remember that one isn’t better than the other; they are just different styles of shooting that have their own benefits. Whether you decide to shoot compound bows or recurve bows, it will be up to you and your personal preferences.


  • Always remember to maintain proper shooting form. When you change from compound bow to recurve bow or the other way around, your body won’t instinctively know how to shoot again. It will take time. Don’t get frustrated; just keep practicing with both types of bows and you’ll soon master them.
  • Be patient. It takes time for your body to get used to shooting both types of bows. Since they are so different from one another.
  • Enjoy yourself! The best way to master each type of bow is through practice and having fun!


That all depends on what you prefer. Some hunters swear by compound bows, while others swear by recurve bows. You may be better off trying them both out and seeing which style you prefer.
Both bows are fast, but no one bow is faster. It's all based on the type of arrow you use in either bow. Try using heavier arrows with compound bows, and lighter arrows for recurve bows.
Compound bows are generally more expensive. You should know how far you want to shoot so that the bow is suited for your skills. Also, be aware of the draw weight. If you are a beginner, make sure to get a bow that has a low weight draw.


Compound vs recurve bow for beginners, the two bows are very different from one another. Keep in mind that even if you favor one style of bow, it doesn’t mean you have to abandon the other. Practice makes perfect. So be sure to dedicate yourself to practicing with both types of bows. So that each one becomes second nature and you can use either type without any problems.

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